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YDMA adopts resolution to condemn the BDS Boston Mapping Resolution.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 14, 2022 Media Contact: Ela Gardiner Vice President for Communications 781-690-8984

BOSTON, MA. — On June 14, the YDMA Board of Directors unanimously passed a resolution condemning the BDS Boston Mapping Project, submitted by Jewish Caucus Chair Rebecca Kanter. We stand alongside multiple other Democratic politicians in the Commonwealth in this condemnation. Please read our full resolution below.


The Young Democrats of Massachusetts Opposes the Mapping Project’s Attack on Liberal Democracy


The BDS Boston Mapping Project has released a map with the names and addresses of Jewish communal organizations throughout the Greater Boston area, defaming them with false ties to “evictions and privatization locally, and to US imperialist projects worldwide”,


In their own words, the goal of the BDS-backed Mapping Project “was to reveal the local entities and networks that enact devastation, so we can dismantle them.”


The BDS-backed Mapping project have phrased their intentions as a physical threat to the persons and property of the institutions they target: “Every entity has an address, every network can be disrupted.”


This incitement to violence and harassment denies the right of Jewish communal organizations and individuals to participate in civil society, and the right of Jews across the Greater Boston area to participate in political life,


This incitement extends beyond Jewish communal organizations, targeting anyone who includes mainstream Jewish communal organizations in civil society,


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the right of all law-abiding citizens to organize in pursuit of their political beliefs and values, and the principles of American law further extend this right to include freedom from harassment and violence on one’s own private premises,

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Young Democrats of Massachusetts and the Jewish Caucus condemn the “Mapping Project” supported by BDS Boston and other organizations as an antisemitic, undemocratic, and authoritarian endeavor targeting the freedom of the Jewish community in Massachusetts to organize politically according to American law.

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Young Democrats of Massachusetts will provide no endorsement to candidates for office who are open supporters of the Mapping Project in election cycles 2022, 2023 and 2024.

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Young Democrats of Massachusetts and the Jewish Caucus thank Democratic officials such as Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Congressman Jacob Auchincloss, Representative Ruth Balser, Representative Cindy Creem, Treasurer Deb Goldberg, Senator Eric Lesser, Senator Becca Rausch and other elected officials and candidates for statewide office for their solidarity against a boycott movement trying to push Jews out of organized public life.


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