2023 YDMA Convention
Sat, Mar 18
|The Independent
Join us for our annual convention!

Time & Location
Mar 18, 2023, 11:00 AM – Mar 19, 2023, 5:30 PM
The Independent, 75 Union Square, Somerville, MA 02143, USA
About the event
It's convention time again YDMA
Following our charter reform in November, our conventions are now held on the 3rd Saturday in March each year—this year that's Saturday March 18th at The Independent in Somerville. The convention will convene at 11am on the 18th at a location to be announced soon and will feature a St. Patrick's Day theme. In odd-numbered years like this one Executive Committee members are elected. In even-numbered years the Public Policy Director and Public Policy Committee are elected. This year, because we are adjusting to this new schedule both sets of elections will happen, regular elections for the Executive Committee, and special elections for a term of 1 year for the Public Policy Committee members and Director. As always all caucus officers will be elected at convention. If you would like to file to run for an Executive Committee position you must submit the names of 5 YDMA voting members nominating you qualify for the ballot and a candidacy statement—filling will close 36 hours before the convention convenes. To submit nomination paperwork please email the names of your nominators to secretary@ydma.org. Caucus positions and public policy positions do not require prior filing and will be nominated from the floor—although candidates may optionally submit a candidacy statement no later than 12 days before the convention. The YDMA Convention Committee has released a draft of the convention rules here. In the coming days, please check out the convention link below for updates about our guests, venue, convention rules, and candidate statements. This year, there is no cost to attend convention if you are already a dues paying member or have received a waiver. Please remember that dues expire 10 days after this convention. You can RSVP for this convention and renew your membership for 2023-2024 term using the RSVP button.