The YDMA Labor Caucus stands in solidarity with those fighting for better working conditions.
The Labor Caucus shall serve the caucus of labor by:
Connecting Democrats under the age of 36 to networking, volunteer, electoral, and educational opportunities on issues important to the labor movement;
Fostering civic engagement and encouraging young people to learn about and become involved in organized labor;
Increasing awareness of and participation in the Democratic party by presenting the ideas and beliefs of the party in an open and public manner;
Developing youth leadership through training and workshops;
Stimulating dialogue on important issues facing the labor movement;
Supporting the electoral efforts of Democrats, particularly those who are young and those who express and demonstrate commitment to organized labor;
Advocating for legislation and ballot initiatives that align with the core values of the Labor Caucus, and;
Operating in a manner that promotes inclusion, fair treatment and respect for all humans and seeks to unite people across any and all divides.